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Islamator on: The bizarre trinity of the Koran. (Conclusion and CONR-attack) on Islamator

- Conclusion:

After showing the method of teaching, and constructive insruction the Noble Qur'an in the refutation of the Trinity , we will conclude this response to Islamator on a Koranic verse. A Koranic verse which is open to all Christians this faith and this not only to a few groups sectarian Christians. Indeed, in verse that we quote, not God n'utiluse expressions such as "those who say" or "they say" unlike the other verses.

Christians in the past and today have invented several types of trinity. and several trinities have existed and some still exist today, to take just a few examples we can cite:

- The trinity of Chalcedon consisting of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. three are equal and are one single God.

- The Trinidad tri-theists: for example, Mormons who believe in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but they believe that their unity is objective. they are not united in gasoline.

- Trinity family: for example in Marianist who believed in a trinity composed of the Father, Mother and Son.

- The Trinity "hierarchy" that establish a hierarchy between persons of the Trinity. the three are not equal. We can cite as an example for the Arians that the Father was greater than or Jehovah's Witnesses today.


all its different trinities, God answers in the Quran by the noble verse:

- Surah 4:

171. O People of the Book (Christians), do not exaggerate in your religion nor say of God is truth. The Messiah Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of God and His Word which He bestowed on Mary and a spirit (Rooh) created by Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say "Three". Stop! It will be best for you. God is One God. He is too glorious to have a child. To Him belong all things in heaven and on earth and God suffices as a protector.

reject God in this verse all idea of trinity ( And do not say "Three" . Stop! ) while insisting on his uniqueness perfect. Glory to Him.


wa Allahu a'lam (and Allah knows best)


After answering Islamator, we will our turn to ask a question.

Islamator said in his article:

" For any religion, it is obviously of paramount importance to be specific about the nature of God. "

We are indeed fully agree with him! If there is one point on which God must be (for our own good) is extremely accurate though His nature. We can not just rely on human interpretation to define it.

So we ask that Islamator shows us in his Bible or God spoke in detail of his triune nature. We are not asking her intepretation of certain passages, or intepretation from Mr. X and Mrs. Y, we call him a biblical passage where God says: I am a triune God consisting of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Since Islamator recognizes and affirms HIMSELF that religion must be precise about the nature of God, so we should find a biblical passage of this kind.

- specify

Sense Express of precise way . Ex Define the details of a history. Synonym clarify

to precise English.

Thesaurus characterize , clarify, define , detail, determine , explain, explain , express , stress, specify, stipulate .

- diccionnaire:

wa Allahu a'lam (and Allah knows best)

Ibn Karim.


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